How to Calm the Fears You Have for Your Teen Daughter

I asked. You answered. And I’m responding…
A couple of months ago, I asked you and my other blog readers, the following question…
When it comes to communicating with your daughter about love, sex,
and relationships, what is your biggest fear, frustration or struggle?
And I’m so thankful to everyone who answered my question.
By far, the most common fear, frustration or struggle I heard from moms was not knowing how to boost their daughters’ self-esteem or help them understand their worth.
Below are just a few of the responses I received:
“My biggest fear is not knowing how to respond…she seems to keep going through the same cycle over and over again with struggling with her self-esteem because she has decided to wait until she is married to have sex, for which I am so proud of her. She just keeps saying that she’s lonely and it appears good girls finish last. What else can I do to encourage her that she’s amazing just as she is?”
“My biggest fear is that my daughter will have become sexually active too early, despite our conversations. I worry that her self-esteem can still be affected by a boy giving her attention and that in a misguided way I may be putting emphasis on that as well and not enough on her individual importance.”
“My biggest fear is that she won’t take heed and disregard her worth
to compete with more ‘loose’ or ‘twerking’ young ladies to keep her boyfriend.”
Some moms were concerned about how to empower daughters who have ‘daddy issues’ when it comes to love, sex, and relationships, as this mother expressed:
“I worry that she does not want to talk to her Dad about boys. He is not around, so I constantly talk with her about ‘Dad issues.’ I just pray she does not do like I did. I hope she does not fall in love with ‘being in love’ instead of being in love with the right person.”
And then there was the Mom who isn’t even a blog subscriber but was in desperate need of help and reached out to me via Instagram Direct Message (see a portion of it below) …
“Just found out my daughter snuck a boy in our house two times [while my husband and I slept.]
Found empty condom a week ago. She says she didn’t have sex. How do I believe her?
She’s 15 and has never been in trouble. Thank you so much for your reply.”
Whether you’re the mom who…
…has done all she can to convince her daughter that she’s more than enough only to see her self-esteem continue to sink lower and lower,
…the mom who is afraid that your daughter may succumb to peer pressure just to fit in with her peers,
…the mom whose daughter is seeking attention from guys she’s never received from her absent father,
…the mom whose daughter may have already had sex and you’re trying to figure out how to respond to that reality,
…or even the mom whose daughter IS making great choices and you want to make sure she continues to do so…
I have good news for you:
You DON’T have to do this alone.
Help is Here!
My mission has always been to come alongside parents to reinforce for their teen daughters the importance of knowing their worth and never settling for less than they deserve.
“My mom used to tell me this all the time but I would tune her out!
Hearing it come from you was a real attention grabber. I believe the way you taught
us was great because it really touched me. We are blessed to have someone like you.
It’s like you’re helping our parents by telling us what they are trying to say.”
I’ve been able to reinforce parents’ message with girls in my classes for the past 18 years and am excited about the opportunity to reach even more girls online.
My upcoming 7 Secrets REVEALED Masterclass will address each of the above concerns from moms, as well as many more issues I hear from teen girls in class every day, such as…
“I’ve been mentally abused in a lot of relationships and pressured into doing things I’m not
proud of out of fear for honestly just not being good enough or being left.”
“I would have sex to get the feeling of love and the feeling of being wanted
because my mom never gave me that feeling.”
“I have always thought I wasn’t good enough, that I didn’t deserve the three boyfriends I’ve had.
I broke up with them, but I wouldn’t tell them why because I didn’t know.
Now I realize it was because I felt I wasn’t good enough,
and you have returned my self-confidence. Thank you.
You are truly an amazing person.”
“I wish you could come to high schools just to talk to girls because plenty of us need a talk like you gave. Self-worth is what most girls are struggling with even though we do not realize it. A lack of worth is why we engage in things we know we don’t want to do. You opened my eyes and made me realize I have a voice and have the power. Thank you for helping me realize so much within two days.”
I wish I had even more time to spend helping them understand their worth, know their power and find their voice.
I want that for all the girls who take my class and for your daughter too.
While that’s not possible right now in schools, it is online.
And that’s why I created 7 Secrets REVEALED.
It makes it possible for me to provide a more in-depth, healthy relationships education for teen girls than I could ever accomplish in schools due to time constraints.
Not to mention the ability to expand the reach of the content I share in the classroom with girls who would never be able to benefit from it otherwise.
What Can this Masterclass Do For Your Daughter?
Before I tell you what 7 Secrets REVEALED offers, let me tell you what it does NOT:
A book club review of 7 Secrets Guys Will Never Tell You.
While we will discuss the content in 7 Secrets, this Masterclass is packed with so much more information than I could ever cover in the pages of just one book.
And your daughter would benefit from some of the same content I share with students in my classes that elicit comments like the ones below:
“I feel like you’re a true hero to girls with low self-esteem
and girls that feel like they don’t have value.”
“You have such an amazing way of seeing things,
and even though this was a sex talk, I got much more out of it.”
“I’ve been sexually active for 4 years and I didn’t even have to think
hard about not having sex anymore after listening to you.
There is so much more to sex than what I had in mind.”
“You gave me all the tools [I need] to become a better person.
I’ll take the things you told us and apply them to my life for the rest of my life.”
“You definitely helped me a lot more than you’ll ever know.
You are the adult talk that’s missing in a lot of youth’s lives.”
So, what exactly will your daughter learn during my 4-week (8 session) Masterclass?
- Why it’s important to love herself instead of looking for it from a relationship, and what that looks like.
- Why she needs to have a vision for her future and how to set goals in order to realize that vision.
- Why it’s important to have a game plan for her relationships BEFORE she gets involved and how to develop her own.
- Why she needs boundaries and when and how to set them.
- Why she should never settle for less than she deserves, in life and relationships and how to keep her eyes on the prize.
And how will that benefit you as a parent?
When your daughter loves herself, knows her worth, recognizes her power, and makes better choices, parenting is so much more enjoyable.
There’s less conflict between the two of you.
You don’t have to stay on top of her about her grades/schoolwork because she already is.
And you don’t have to worry about her seeking validation from her relationship status.
It’s the gift that keeps on giving…to both you and your daughter.
7 Secrets REVEALED is the perfect resource to transform the way your daughter values herself, views relationships and chooses potential dates so she can dream bigger dreams, make better decisions, and realize a brighter destiny…
NOW the value of THAT is PRICELESS!
P.S. 7 Secrets REVEALED is NOT an online book club. It’s an 8-hour, in-depth, healthy relationship skills education that even my students I teach in the classroom aren’t privy to. Featuring content that will challenge any limiting beliefs when it comes to love, sex, and relationships, better inform her decision-making, boost her confidence and sharpen her focus on what’s truly important to her and for her future. Class is in session Monday, so hurry and register her here today!
P.P.S. If you know of any other young ladies who could benefit from this Masterclass, please share this post with their parents/guardians.