Infertile at 17: How to Help Your Teen Daughter Avoid It

“I am not writing this letter for people to feel sorry for me. I want [girls] to learn from my mistakes. I lost scholarships, I lost my ability to have a child, I lost friends, I lost my parents’ trust and belief in me, I lost a whole lot of enjoyable things because I just couldn’t say NO.”
The quote above was taken from a 2-page letter I received from a 17-year-old girl who lost her virginity at 14 years old and went on to experience one bad relationship after the next.
The pain of humiliation and regret she described after a string of unhealthy choices, ignited a chat room explosion when I shared her letter with 150+ girls (and their moms), who participated in my FREE virtual Healthy Relationship “Homeschool” Masterclass last week.
It was as if I had given those girls a front row seat to the latest trending teen drama.
Except this was a 17-year-old girl’s REAL life…
By the time my junior year rolled around…I was living a lonely life, just waiting for a guy to come along and give me any sort of attention. Little did I know what I had in store for myself. At the beginning of my junior year I met a guy who had graduated the year before…[We became sexually active.]…
A couple months after [we started having sex], surprise, I was pregnant. At the time, he was out of town so I figured I would call him and let him know since I had no one else to tell, and no shock here, he hung up on me. The same night that I told him we had a child entering the world that we made together, he told me he had been cheating on me the entire time and was madly in love with his ex-girlfriend…
I was so shocked I didn’t know what to do. I fell into a huge depression. A couple of weeks later I got a text from his ex-girlfriend, but now girlfriend again, saying that she was pregnant too…All I could do was cry…
A few short weeks later I ended up having a miscarriage, and no surprise here, he never even showed up to my surgery. I texted with him the morning of my surgery and haven’t heard a word from him since; I’m very happy about that. After everything happened, I ended up finding out who the real him was. Turns out he’s gotten multiple girls pregnant and treated them all the same way.
Shortly after everything settled down, I tested positive for chlamydia. I had gone so long without treatment that my [fallopian] tubes are now closed off with scar tissue. So, not only did I let him take advantage of me, I let him take a part of my future with him. You see, I am now 17 years old and I am living with the guilt of it being my fault that I can’t and won’t ever successfully carry a baby to full term.
This is the side of sex your daughter and girls who participated in my FREE class don’t hear about from the media and their peers.
So, I’m on a mission to empower them with the truth.
The Lessons in the Letter
I’m sure when this young lady started having sex at the age of 14, she had no idea that in three short years, she would be a 17-year-old girl who has had 4 sexual partners, 2 miscarriages, is infertile and, by her own admission, no longer enjoys having sex.
And here’s the takeaway for your daughter that I shared with the girls in my Intro to 7 Secrets Masterclass:
1. Every boyfriend the girl had was her “Future Ex.”
2. She made a decision in a temporary relationship that left her with a permanent consequence.
3. She was more concerned with “pleasing” guys than “protecting” herself.
4. She trusted all four of her “ex-boyfriends” with her life and her future, which is exactly what every teen is doing when they decide to have sex.
That’s a snippet of what I shared with the girls last week.
Have your daughter watch the full REPLAY of the Masterclass here if she missed it.
And check out what girls and their moms had to say about the FREE masterclass and upcoming NEW masterclass:
“Thank you so much Ms. Jackie! This session was very informative and DOES give me confirmation about not settling for a guy who doesn’t deserve me.”
“Thank you for this. I’ve already started reevaluating myself.”
“PLEASE don’t end it…I wanna learn more.”
“Tonight, was awesome!!! Signing up for the next series, so glad to witness you as a mom walk in your calling with my daughter Ms. Jackie Brewton…we ❤️ you…and yes, I’d love [a class] for my 15-year-old son too.”
“I registered my daughter for the initial class, and she was not thrilled about it at all. But she really enjoyed it. I saw her engaging and laughing with the other girls. I will be signing her up for the [next] class.“
“My daughter was one of the youngest in the class I think (she’s twelve) but she was very engaged and loved being a part of it. Thankfully, she had a lot of questions following (and during) the class. We’ve had some great (and hard for us all) conversations in the last couple of days. I admit that I was reluctant once she relayed some of the questions being asked during the class, but we realized we had rather have her hear from you, girls being honest with their experiences, and us before it’s too late. These topics are not easy, but they are necessary. I wish all parents were required to attend and have their children attend a class just like yours! We are looking forward to the upcoming classes! And, we thank you for the book!”
From Intro to 7 Secrets to 7 Secrets REVEALED
Awesome feedback after only a 1-hr (okay, it ended up being 1.5 hours) FREE masterclass.
Imagine how much your daughter would benefit from my NEW 7 Secrets REVEALED Masterclass, featuring:
- 8 one-hour discussions of each chapter of 7 Secrets Guys Will Never Tell You: A Teen Girl’s Guide on Love, Sex, and Relationships, PLUS a Recap Session with Q&A
- Bonus letters from REAL teens & REAL-LIFE case studies that didn’t make it into the book (one book could never capture it all)
- Guest male speakers providing additional insight
- Interactive live chats and polls
Class is in session April 27th—May 21st.
And don’t worry if…
…your daughter is a young teen and/or hasn’t started dating yet. Now’s the perfect time for her to learn secrets that will equip her to make healthy relationship choices when she does.
…your daughter has never read my book, 7 Secrets Guys Will Never Tell You. She can keep up with the content as we go along. (Go here to order her a copy if she doesn’t have one)
…your daughter has already read 7 Secrets. She’ll still learn a lot from new content I didn’t have room to put in the book, and that I’ve collected since it published. Plus, there’s nothing like being able to pick the brain of the author and have her break down each chapter/secret.
This is next-level healthy relationship training you don’t want your daughter to miss!
Besides, can you imagine your daughter writing a letter like the one I shared above from the 17-year-old girl?
Exactly! You don’t even want to think about it.
Register your daughter for 7 Secrets REVEALED instead.
I can’t wait to see her in class!
P.S. With schools closed, there’s a lot of digital learning happening across the country. But chances are it doesn’t include healthy relationship skills training. There’s never been a better time to empower your daughter with information that transforms the way she values herself, views relationships and chooses potential dates. Go here to register her for 7 Secrets REVEALED today!
P.P.S. Please share this post with the moms of your daughter’s friends’ so they can learn together!