Speaker. trainer. motivator.
I’ve been speaking publicly for more than 16 years, and as a professional speaker, have had the pleasure of delivering keynotes before thousands and workshops for students, parents and educators. If you want to contact me about your next event, or if you have further questions, click below.
Changing minds and lives
Most schools struggle to get their students to value their education and make good choices.
As a full-time speaker, my presentations lead students to Bigger DREAMS, Better DECISIONS, Brighter DESTINIES.
The content I share draws from my experience as a youth development speaker and healthy choices educator for the past 16 years. I know the unique challenges that educators and schools face today, and can help you spearhead positive change in the lives of your students and your community.
A Little Bit About Me
I’ve been speaking publicly for more than 16 years, and as a professional speaker, have had the pleasure of delivering keynotes and seminars to over 100,000 teens both in the U.S. and abroad.
The first part of my career was spent working in management for a Fortune 500 company, Procter & Gamble, before becoming a professional speaker in 2001.
In 2016, I published my first book, 7 Secrets Guys Will Never Tell You: A Teen Girl’s Guide on Love, Sex, and Relationships, which is based on what I learned from directly from teen guys in the classroom. As CEO of MotivationN3D Inc., my time is now devoted to speaking, training, and writing.
I live just outside Atlanta, GA and in my free time, I enjoy reading, traveling, and spending time with my family.

My Most Requested Topics
Sex-Teens-Drama: A Survival Guide
For more than 12+ years, I have equipped tens of thousands of teens with the tools necessary to establish and maintain healthyrelationships, withstand the pressures of their peers and the media, and prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs through this signature presentation
I deliver age-appropriate, medically accurate information that will help your students make healthy choices, and empower the to set higher standards for themselves.
Dreams, Decisions, Destinies
As a champion of youth, I am passionate about equipping them to fulfill their unique purpose. In this inspiring presentation, your students will learn the importance of having a vision and setting goals. They will learn the value of education in preparation for their journey, and the importance of choosing their friends wisely along the way. I also share the benefits of delayed gratification and encourage your students to make positive decisions that will help propel them towards their destinies.
What’s a Parent to Do? Sex-Teens-Drama Survival Guide for Parents
Today’s youth are bombarded with pressure to have sex and face many challenging issues when it comes to making healthy choices. Research shows that parents are very influential in their teenagers’ decision-making regarding sexual activity. In this 90-minute, two parts information, three parts inspiration-packed presentation, I arm parents with the tools and resources needed to help their teens make positive choices.
They will learn:
- What causes teens to be sexually active
- What are the consequences of teen sex

Reaching vs. Teaching: Connecting with Youth for Positive Change
Information alone does not change behavior. Educators are most effective when the students “connect” with them and not just their message. In this workshop, I reveal some of the best ways to connect with the students in a way that changes their behavior long-term vs. short-term.
Educators will learn:
- How to use “storytelling” as an effective teaching tool
- How to use the media (video clips, lyrics to songs) and how to find media with a message
- The importance of knowing their world and using culturally relevant examples
- How to help students think, rather than telling them how to think
“She spoke clearly and her expressions showed she believed everything she was saying unlike others that have spoken to us in the past. She got on our level and instead of being pushy and saying, ‘You need to follow this,’ she said ultimately, it’s our choice but she was here to help us find our potential. If I could, I would personally fund this for every middle & high school nationwide. This program could save our youth.” ~High School Student
“An inspirer. An empowerer. An engager. These three characteristics are just a short sample of the many things you demonstrate with all of your students, including me, every single day.” ~High School Student
“I thought this was one of the most informative sessions I have been to. Thanks so much!” ~Parent
“I think Ms. Brewton gave a very powerful presentation. I only wish she had more time.” ~Parent
“The speaker was outstanding! I couldn’t have been more impressed. Extremely informative.” ~Parent
“Fortunately, I was able to attend one of [Jackie’s high school] sessions with the males and was just amazed at her ability to keep the students engaged with the presentation. Jackie’s speech to these young men was “real” and “relevant” about choices and potential consequences of their decisions.” ~Mr. Newton, Superintendent
“Jackie Brewton’s presentations to my students lead to critical thinking and stronger decision-making skills. Jackie opens up their world not only to being smarter, but also seeing the true value and worth of an individual. She is one of the best educators I have been around (as a student and teacher). what she does and the way she does it is top of the line.” ~Michael Turchan, High School Teacher
Video Clips of Me Speaking
What Others Are Saying
Next Steps
Thanks again for considering me for your event.
Imagine what it would be like to have students who have determined their “YES,” which would make it easier for them to say “NO” to poor choices that could prevent them from reaching their “YES.” These students are making such good decisions outside of school that they are able to be totally engaged while in the classroom. No distractions due to drugs, alcohol or sex. Your students are so focused on their futures and intentional in their decision making that you and your teachers are able to spend all of your time teaching students vs. handling discipline issues.
Take the next step by simply clicking the button below and filling out the form. Someone on my team will get back to you within one business day.