Why I Want Teen Guys To Know the Truth About Sex Too!

It’s been five years since I wrote my book for teen girls, 7 Secrets Guys Will Never Tell You: A Teen Girl’s Guide on Love, Sex, and Relationships.
And one of the biggest surprises over the past five years has been how much my book has resonated with teen guys.
I wasn’t expecting moms to purchase the book for their sons, but I began getting emails like the following:
“My 14-year-old son has read the 7 Secrets book and told me that he is striving to be the Best Guy. When we are watching T.V or we’re out, we have our own code language on identifying behaviors. Often, he may say, “Player” or “Good Guy.” Then he’ll say what the Best Guy would do. It’s pretty amazing.”
Then guys in my classes started asking me when I was going to write a book for them:
“Your lecture really helped open my eyes. Before it, I was planning on losing my virginity at any time, at any moment. Last summer, I was one step on the ladder away from sex. I’m glad I didn’t take it, especially since the girl wasn’t a virgin. Like that kid said, please publish a book. I need all your ideas and quotes on hand for me to defe nd my position and stay abstinent. Thank you.” –High School Guy
In the spring of 2020, the moms of the teen girls in my 7 Secrets Revealed Masterclass begged me to host a Masterclass for their sons. So, I honored their request and hosted my Boys to Men Masterclass in the fall of 2020.
(Your daughter and/or son can gain access to both of those Masterclasses through my online Jackie B Academy).
A mom of a teen girl who recognized me in the Apple store even begged me to create content for her son.
These situations above revealed just how much of a void there is of resources designed for teen guys that will help them make good choices when it comes to love, sex, and relationships.
And let’s just be real… there’s also been a lack of information for parents of teen guys to learn how to talk with their sons about sex.
But now the wait is over…
Finally, A Resource for Guys!
My new book for teen guys, The Truth About Sex: Real Stories from Teen Guys Like You, is now available!

In a world where society often dictates the norms and there’s very little information for guys to guide them, this book gives them the playbook to build a future life they’re proud to live because of the decisions they make now as teens.
The 50+ letters I include from their peers, provide teen guys with real life accounts of the positive and negative outcomes others have experienced so they can choose to make good decisions for their own lives.
They can also recognize how important it is to be protectors of their future, their health, their influence over their younger sister or brother and even the girls/young women they date.
If you have a teen son, a teen guy in your life you love or even a teen guy who is dating your daughter, this book is the gut-check he needs to:
- identify the consequences of teen sex the media, his peers and even older men rarely discuss openly,
- understand the true nature of manhood,
- focus on his future goals,
- and make choices he can stand beside as he builds a life he’s proud of.
Can I tell you what excites me most about the book?
The one hundred powerful self-reflection questions at the end of each chapter that can be answered alone or in a group setting.
These questions challenge guys to take the information they’ve gained reading the book, rethink decisions they’ve made in the past or were considering and make choices for their future knowing exactly what’s at stake.
A Special Invitation for that Special Teen Guy
Not only is the book available now, but we’re also hosting a Virtual Launch Event on February 6th!

Young men who attend will have the opportunity to hear me speak along with two of my good friends who are amazing speakers—Michael Calloway and Broderick Santiago, as we break down the “Truth About Sex” in 2022.
And did I mention there will be trivia games, prizes and other surprises?!
While we will publicly stream the first portion of the Launch Event, the second portion will be a private event only available to those who have purchased the book. Additional details will be emailed afterwards.
If you are at all concerned about the messages that society bombards teen guys with when it comes to sex, their manhood, love, and relationships, you don’t want the young man in your (or your daughter’s) life to miss this event!
To purchase your copy of The Truth About Sex: Real Stories from Teen Guys Like You and be added to our list for the Feb. 6th Launch Event, go here today!
How Can This Book Help Your Teen Daughter?
A mom of teen girls who texted me last week to tell me she had placed an order for a copy of The Truth About Sex, proved how this book for teen guys can help your teen daughter too.
I knew she didn’t have a teen son, so I asked her who the book was for.
She told me it was for her and her daughters so the three of them could read the book together and discuss it.
What a brilliant idea for a mom to purchase my book for teen guys to read WITH her teenage daughters!
Her girls will now have a glimpse inside the regrets and relief guys experienced due to decisions they made regarding sex, love, and relationships.
Just like when moms purchased the book I wrote for teen girls, for their teen sons to read.
I’m always amazed when my books benefit a group beyond my target audience.
Both books are a win-win for teen guys and girls if I do say so myself. 😉
And parents win by reading this book with their teens too!
You don’t have to lecture them about all the things that could go wrong when sex is involved.
The transparency the young men share in their letters that I included do more teaching than anything you or I could ever say or do.
And that’s what makes The Truth About Sex: Real Stories from Teen Guys Like You a must-read for pre-teen and teen guys (and your daughter too)!
P.S. Finally there’s a go-to playbook for guys when it comes to sex, love, and relationships! No more worrying about how to broach the subject with your teen son, grandson, nephew or even your daughter’s boyfriend. Grab a copy of The Truth About Sex here and let other teen guys show him why having sex doesn’t prove his manhood and how he can reap the benefits of waiting.
P.P.S. Even if you daughter isn’t dating and/or you don’t have a son, please share this post with any of your friends or family members who have pre-teen or teen sons. Thank you!