2019: A Great Finish to a Not-So-Great Start

May I be honest with you?
2019 didn’t start out great for me.
Five days into the new year, my sisters and I buried my amazing mom.
But God provided the strength I needed to head back into the classroom three days later.
Because of Him, I was able to begin the year by empowering a group of 8thgrade girls to know their worth and never settle for less than they deserve.
And it’s been full steam ahead ever since, with me speaking to a total of 7,723 students between January and December.
The Numbers
Here’s the breakdown:
- 3,587: # of students who were empowered by my one-hour presentation during assemblies
- 2,347: # of high school students who were empowered by my three-hour classroom presentation
- 1,932: # of letters that I received from high school students
- 1,174: # of 8thgrade girls who were empowered by my three-hour classroom presentation
- 615: # of teens from churches/community organizations who were empowered by my presentation
The Impact
But I don’t measure impact solely by the numbers.
In fact, if I can empower just one student to dream bigger dreams, make better decisions, and fulfill a brighter destiny, the long (and sometimes emotionally draining), days are worth it.
And I’ve received hundreds of comments in 2019, like the ones below, that let me know I’m definitely reaching more than just one:
“When you first came to our class, in a weird way, I felt like you were sent here just for me. Being that I was already in a world of trouble for having sex, and honestly, I’ve been looking for some sort of guidance with myself for a long time. I feel like you were the first person who told me I was worth something and meant it in a while. The first person who didn’t shame or judge me for my very poor choices.”
“The impact you had on my life made me really think about the choices I make now and until the day I die. My parents talk to me about this kind of stuff; but for me, it soaks in a lot more hearing it from somebody else that’s not them.”
“Thank you so much Jackie. You have definitely changed the way I view sex, the way I view others, and the view I have on life as a whole for the better! Continue doing what you do because you are very good at it and have the ability to change the world.”
The Reach
It’s no secret I’m critical of social media, and particularly teens’ use of it.
However, I can’t deny social media has served me and my mission well as I’ve been able to extend my “reach,” via my blog and other platforms:
- 2,770 people are subscribed to my YouTube channel (If you or your daughter haven’t subscribed yet, I encourage you to do so in 2020!)
- 2,372 people follow me on Instagram (The content I share on Instagram is geared to a teen girl audience, so please encourage your daughter to follow me.)
- 1,327 people follow my Facebook page (If you want a day to day glimpse inside the world of teens via my classroom moments, be sure to like my FB page.)
- 378 people follow me on Twitter (I’m not as present on Twitter as I’d like to be, but make sure you follow me there for updates as well.)
- 2,095 people are subscribed to my blog (If you’re not subscribed, you should be!)
People tell me all the time that the information I provide for parents needs a bigger platform.
They say I’m the best kept secret in Georgia.
And believe me, I would love nothing more than to reach more teens and parents.
But not because I want to be “popular.”
As I said previously, it’s not about the numbers for me.
It’s ALL about the impact.
And I can’t have an impact if parents don’t know about the resources I provide (i.e. blog content, YouTube videos, DVDs, book, e-courses, etc.)
The Bottomline
Thank you for sharing my blog posts on social media and encouraging your family and friends to subscribe!
In case you missed any, here are my top blog posts of 2019 (based on the number of times the post was shared on social media):
Why Daughters Needs Their Dads I identify what happens when a girl’s father isn’t actively engaged in her life. This post also includes a clip from an interview I did with radio host KD Bowe, explaining four things every girl needs from her dad.
Three Things You Should Show Your Daughter Before You Die This was my Mother’s Day post in honor of my mom, where I share how she molded me into the person I am today. As well as three nuggets you can utilize with your daughter now so when you’re gone, her memories of you will be just as fond.
Mom at 13 Years Old: How it Changed Her Life I share four things moms can learn from this 13-year-old’s tragic story to help safeguard their daughters from becoming a teen mom.
Whether you’ve been reading my posts for one week, one month, one year or longer, thank you!
I’m looking forward to empowering even more teens to dream bigger DREAMS, make better DECISIONS and fulfill brighter DESTINIES in 2020.
And equipping moms like you to empower your daughter to know her worth and never settle for anything less than she deserves.
May communication between you and your daughter flow openly and honestly, may your hearts connect like never before, and may your relationship flourish in 2020.
Happy New Year to you and your family!