One Thing Every Teen Girl Should Get From Her Mom!

For many years, I’ve been a proponent of writing letters as a way to heal damaged relationships between teens and their parents.
One of the benefits of writing letters is it allows you to express your heart fully, without being concerned about how the person is going to respond.
…I’ve encouraged teen girls whose fathers weren’t actively engaged in their lives to write their fathers a letter.
I told these young ladies that even if they didn’t deliver the letters to their fathers, writing one is a great way to get the pain out of their heart onto paper.
…I’ve encouraged teen girls who’ve talked to me about having a strained relationship with their mothers to “pen their pain” on paper as well.
…And I’ve counseled mothers who couldn’t figure out why their teen daughters seemed to hate them, to write their teens a letter to show them they aren’t their daughters’ enemy.
But many of the moms were hesitant to write their daughters a letter.
They weren’t sure…
…where to begin,
…what to say, or
…how to say it.
Especially in a way that would be well-received by their daughters.
Turns out what I thought would be a simple exercise, was in fact overwhelming for many of the moms.
So, I decided to create a guide to make the process painless for them…and for you!
It’s entitled, “The Letter Every Mom Should Write Her Teen Daughter: A Step by Step Guide to Building a Connection that Lasts,” and it’s FREE to you today!
Just click the button below and download your FREE guide.
“The Letter Every Mom Should Write Her Teen Daughter” helps you share your heart with your daughter.
Whether your relationship with her is strained or strong, writing your daughter a letter gives you the opportunity to express…
…what you admire about her,
…activities you’d like to experience together,
…your hopes and dreams for her future, you name it.
Plus, the Guide takes the worry out of finding the “right” words to say.
They’re already provided for you.
All you have to do is fill-in-the blanks.
It’s that simple!
So, what are you waiting for?
Download your FREE guide today and build a connection with your daughter that lasts!
P.S. Letter-writing is a powerful tool to add to your parenting tool kit, especially if your relationship with your daughter is strained. I can’t think of a better way to fully share your heart with your daughter and gift her with a tangible expression of how much you love her than to put it on paper. So, download your FREE guide TODAY and let’s get started writing that letter!
P.P.S. This resource is too good to keep to yourself. Please share this post on social media so we can help other mothers and daughters build connections that last!