The Teachable Moment No One Saw Coming (Especially Me)!

Have you ever noticed that sometimes the best teachable moments with your daughter, happen by “accident?”
That’s what happened to me last weekend. But with 100 girls attending the Steve & Marjorie Harvey Foundation’s Girls Who Rule the World (GWRTW) Mentoring Weekend.
This was my 9th consecutive year participating. And as always leading up to an event, I was excited for the opportunity to speak.
But when I received the video below of some of the girls who attended the event last year sharing their thoughts of me and my presentation, I could hardly wait to get there the next day!
Little did I know then, the activity I planned to demonstrate the importance of having a vision in their life was going to bomb.
The Teachable Moment No One Saw Coming (Especially Me)
So here’s the “vision” activity I like to do in the classroom (and did at GWRTW)…
I have two identical puzzles. One is in the original box and the other is in a Ziploc bag.
I call two girls up and tell them that whoever puts their puzzle together the quickest will win $10.
What NORMALLY happens is that the person with the puzzle inside the box wins because she has the picture/vision to look at while she’s putting the puzzle together.
I then tell the audience that putting the puzzle together represents them making choices in their lives.
And if they don’t have a vision for their lives (i.e. the picture on the box), it will take them longer to get to where they want to be.
Well, this time the young lady with the puzzle in the box refused to look at the picture as she was trying to put her puzzle together.
(Even though I kept whispering to her to look at the picture on the box).
Instead she kept looking at the other girl to see what she was doing and how far she had gotten.
SOOOO, the girl with the puzzle in the Ziploc bag finished first and won the $10.
Which was a first.
When I asked the young lady who had the box why she didn’t look at the picture, she said, “Because I was too busy looking at the competition.”
My first thought was, “This analogy has gone bad!”
Until…I realized that the young lady who had the box but didn’t look at the picture did exactly what so many teen girls do every day.
They spend so much time looking at other girls’ lives on social media instead of trying to get to where they’re supposed to be in life.
But, doesn’t this apply to adults too? Ummmm…Hmmmmm…
While I didn’t attend the closing ceremony the next day, I received the following message from someone who was there:
“The girls loved you. When the final video recapping the weekend was played, they went crazy clapping when your session was on the screen. They also said that you were the best session.”
I’m so thankful my presentation was a hit with the girls who attended, Girls Who Rule the World.
And now I have an opportunity for YOUR daughter to attend one of my presentations if you’re in the Atlanta area.
You Asked. We Answered!

Parents have been asking for months when I’m going to have an event that’s open to the public so they can bring their daughters to hear me speak.
Well, the wait is over!
You’ve read about the book.
Get ready for 7 Secrets LIVE!
A confidence boosting, self-esteem raising,
healthy relationship skills-building event for teen girls.
Register Your Daughters TODAY!
Join me as I breakdown the “secrets” that have readers (girls and their moms) raving…
“I’m 19 years old and I wish I had read this book a lot sooner, but thankfully I read it before committing a mistake. Doesn’t matter how old you are, I believe all females should read this book.”
“My daughter and I are currently reading it together. One chapter at a time and we discuss each chapter for better understanding. She’s 12. I’m trying to get ahead of the game! Keep doing what you’re doing Ms. Brewton. It is certainly beneficial!”
And my students buzzing…
“I’ve been sexually active for 4 years and I didn’t even have to think hard about not having sex anymore after listening to you.”
“I told my mom everything you have taught me in the past two days and she was proud to hear the level of understanding I have gained from your visit.”
If you live in the Atlanta area, you don’t want your daughter to miss 7 Secrets LIVE!!
Hope to see you there.
P.S. Most of my speaking engagements are NOT open to the public because I speak in schools. 7 Secrets LIVE!gives your daughter the chance to hear the same life-affirming message that only girls in my class are privy to. PLUS, she’ll be one of the first to hear my new presentation. Go here to register your daughter today!
P.P.S. If you know a young lady who lives in the Atlanta area who would benefit from attending 7 Secrets LIVE!, please help me spread the word on social media. Sharing is caring!