Empowering parents to have the tough conversations with their teens about love, sex, and relationships.
The teen years are a roller coaster ride of emotions for many girls, especially when it comes to love, sex and relationships. As a mother, you’re doing everything you know to do to guide your daughter along her journey to adulthood with her heart, self-esteem and confidence intact. But maybe you could use some assistance. ONE DECISION can mean the difference between the teen you love, living their best life or settling for a mediocre one.
As a youth speaker and healthy relationship educator, I am on a mission to help as many teens as possible avoid the latter. And the resources on this page were designed to do just that. Take advantage of these tools for girls AND guys that will empower your teen(s) to dream bigger DREAMS, make better DECISIONS and realize brighter DESTINIES.
Here are a few resources to aid you in having the tough conversations with your teen:

Tough Conversations eCourse
The eCourse includes three videos that are 4-5 minutes long. The videos are designed to be spread out over time—maybe watch and discuss one a week. I also recommend you, watching the video alone initially so you can formulate your thoughts in order to discuss the video with your daughter after you’ve viewed it together.
(Click the picture above for more info).

Parent DVD
This one-hour and 40 minute DVD includes five chapters:
1. The Consequences of Teen Sex
2. The Root Causes of Teen Sex
3. Effective Approaches I Use in the Classroom
4. Ineffective Approaches Used by Parents (as told to me by teens)
5. What Parents MUST Do.
(Click the picture above for more info).
Parent Workshops
What’s a Parent to Do? A Sex-Teens-Drama Survival Guide for Parents – (Live Training)
Today’s youth are bombarded with pressure to have sex and face many challenging issues when it comes to making healthy choices. Research shows that parents are very influential in their teenagers’ decision-making regarding sexual activity. In this 90-minute, two parts information/three parts inspiration-packed presentation, I arm parents with the tools and resources needed to help their teens make positive choices.
You will learn:
- What causes teens to be sexually active
- What are the consequences of teen sex
- What they can do as parent
More Resources:
Subscribe to my YouTube channel
There you will find even more resources including conversations I have with students each week in the classroom. My content is geared for teens, young adults and parents and I am constantly adding more videos.
Attend My online Masterclass (Webinar)
One of the greatest ways for me to get information to parents is through webinars. My webinar titled 7 Secrets Your Daughter Will Never Tell You has created many testimonials from moms who implemented the tools they received with their daughters. I’d love for you to attend the next one. Register Today!
Medical Institute for Sexual Health
No: Why Kids – of all ages- Need to Hear it and Ways Parents Can Say It by Dr. David Walsh
The Five Love Languages of Teenagers, by Gary Chapman
Your Kids At Risk: How Teen Sex Threatens Our Sons and Daughters, by Dr. Meg Meeker