20 Years of Talking to Teens About Love, Sex, and Relationships

It’s my 20th ANNIVERSARY!!!!!
On October 1, 2001, I decided to leave corporate America and follow my heart, purpose and passion.
And what a journey these past 20 years have been!
Spending my days speaking to students has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done.
I am amazed by the response I get from them. I read the letters students write me and I weep.
Sometimes I weep because I’m grateful God has used me to impact their lives in such a profound way. Other times I weep because their stories are so heart-wrenching.
And I’m humbled students would trust me enough to pour their hearts out to me on paper and in person.
Since that day twenty years ago I have…
- spoken to almost 200,000 students,
- received over 17,000 letters from high school students,
- authored a book for teen girls, with a second book for teen guys releasing soon,
- written a FREE e-book for parents,
- created three DVDs (for teen boys, teen girls, and parents),
- created two Masterclasses (for teen girls and teen guys),
- created three e-courses (for teen girls and parents),
- shipped my resources to 43 states and 14 countries,
- grown my YouTube channel to over 12,000 subscribers with 1 million+ views from 161 countries,
- and created an online academy (Jackie B. Academy) to house my courses/Masterclasses.
While I’m grateful for all these accomplishments, they aren’t what I’m most thankful for.
Stay tuned for what I’m most thankful for later in this post.
But before we get into that, let’s talk about something that’s caused me to question whether it’s time to quit.
When Thoughts of Quitting Creep In
A pastor friend sent me the text message below a couple of months ago.
Pastor Friend: “I absolutely love and respect your passion for what you do. You’re sooo consistent! Praise God for you!”
Me: “It’s hard to believe it will be 20 years in October since I left corporate America to do this. I’m getting tired but trying not to be weary in well doing.”
Pastor Friend: “Wow! Praise God! I’m actually encouraged to hear that you get tired. That’s what makes you such an example of consistency. I literally just told me wife ten minutes ago, ‘People quit when it gets hard.’ May God continue strengthening you!”
But may I be transparent with you?
I have definitely had moments when I thought about quitting.
Even though my primary passion is empowering teens, I recognize one of the best ways to do that is by equipping their parents.
Yet, that’s the area of what I do that has caused those moments when I considered quitting the most.
Moments when I’ve wondered whether anyone even reads the blog posts I send out…
Moments when I’ve asked for feedback from parents on how best to help them and never hear a peep.
Moments when I’ve created resources, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt would improve the relationship between parents and their teen daughters, and the resources weren’t utilized to the degree I hoped they would.
It’s in these moments when I ask God if I’m even making a difference where parents are concerned and equipping them to empower their daughters.
Then I wonder how much longer I should keep going.
Why Quitting Isn’t an Option Just Yet
But do you know what I’m most thankful for that inspires me to keep going?
The response I receive from students!
Comments from their letters like:
- God sent an angel to guide me when you came!
- I hope that you keep doing what God made you to do.
- You were an answer to my prayers!
- Honestly, you saved my life!
I am humbled that God would choose me to partner with Him to reach a generation of teens so desperate for TRUTH!
With that said, I do recognize I have a “shelf life.”
Teens aren’t going to think I’m cool forever.
Which is why I’m busy creating as many resources as I can now to impact the lives of teens well beyond my “shelf life” expiration date.
Resources I’d love for you to utilize with your teen daughter and share with others.
In fact, you can help me celebrate my 20th Anniversary!
How? By sharing these resources with every parent of a teen daughter you know.
Why? Because today’s culture (social media included), has chipped away at the self-esteem of teens, resulting in them not knowing their worth and making poor relationship choices that can have long-lasting negative consequences.
I don’t want that to be your daughter’s story or any teen girl for that matter.
So, to celebrate my 20th Anniversary, I’m offering a 20% discount on all the physical products (7 Secrets book and DVDs), on my website through October 6th.
Just use the following code: Anniversary.
Thank you for joining me on my journey as I endeavor to empower teens to dream bigger DREAMS, make better DECISIONS and fulfill brighter DESTINIES.
Even in those moments when I wonder if I’m positively impacting parents and their relationships with their daughters, I’ll receive an encouraging text message like the one above from my pastor friend.
Or an email from a parent like the one below:
Thanks, Jackie, for your great impact!!! You are helping moms and stepmoms of young girls that have absolutely no idea how to navigate being a mom of young women that are facing the issues of social media, etc. Thanks for your teachings. I started subscribing to your emails when my teen was 16 and she is now 21 about to graduate college and move to ATL!! Thanks for all you do!
These are the perfect reminders that God is still in control.
And as long as He gives me a message to share with teens like your daughter and parents like you, I’m going to give it my all and leave the rest up to Him.
P.S. These past 20 years of living out my passion and purpose have been a blessing through the good times and the bad. And I want to celebrate by offering you a 20% discount on ALL physical products on my site! Please share these resources with your parent friends so they can take advantage as well!
P.P.S. Don’t forget to use the code “ANNIVERSARY” to get the 20% discount.