Why “Just Say Yes!” is the Best Message for Your Teen

For some reason, whenever people hear I speak to middle and high school students about making healthy choices when it comes to sex, many assume it’s a “Just say NO!” message.
And that couldn’t be further from the truth.
It’s actually a “Just say YES!” message.
I challenge students to say “YES”…
…to their dreams,
…to their goals, and
…to their futures.
The following story demonstrates why “Just say YES!” is more effective than “Just say NO!”
A few years ago, a young man asked if he and his girlfriend could come back later to speak with me.
I often have girls who want me to talk to their boyfriends, but this was the first time a young man wanted to bring his girlfriend to speak with me.
So, I was really intrigued to hear what they had to say.
They were both waiting to speak with me after another class when the young man shared the following while his girlfriend listened:
“My girlfriend heard you speak in her health class last semester and was pregnant at the time. She had a miscarriage shortly after your presentation, so we were ‘lucky’ that we did not have to deal with the consequence of the pregnancy. After hearing you speak, my girlfriend told me she wanted to stop having sex. I didn’t agree and kept pressuring her to have sex.
She kept telling me that I would understand why she wanted to stop having sex if I could just hear you speak and she was really excited when she found out you would be returning to speak to my health class as well.
After hearing you yesterday, I GOT IT! I totally understand now why we should stop having sex and I told her I would not pressure her for sex anymore. I wanted to tell you this after class this morning, but she wanted to be with me when I told you.
I’ve always had a dream of playing football at the University of Georgia and that’s what I’m going to use as my ‘YES’. That will be my motivation to keep me away from sex because I don’t want to risk getting the opportunity to play football at UGA.”
Teen Guys Need a YES Too!
One of the things I tell students on the first day of my class is that everyone needs a YES in their life—something they want so badly they won’t let anyone or anything keep them from getting it.
I spend much more time in the classroom helping students realize the importance of finding their YES than I do trying to convince them to say “no” to sex.
My philosophy is this: If I can get them to find their YES, saying “no” to sex becomes much easier for them.
This young man is proof of that.
And proof that teen guys need to hear this message too!
Which is why I created my Boys to Men Masterclass.
And why the focus of the Masterclass is guiding teen guys towards: discovering purpose (a.k.a. their YES), delaying gratification and defining manhood.
So, if you have a teen son, grandson, or nephew and he “gets it” like the young man above did, you won’t have to convince him to “Just Say No!”
He’ll make up his own mind to “Just Say YES!”
And that’s MORE than worth the cost of enrollment.
Not convinced yet?
Check out the feedback we received from young men after participating in just the first session last week, as well as some of their parents.
From teen guys…
“This is helping me very much about my future life.”
“Yes, I am getting a lot out of it.”
“Thank you! I enjoyed this lesson and I can’t wait for the other three. It’s okay for going extra. You can’t get all of that information out in one hour.”
From parents…
“Fantastic job! I just finished participating in your session with my 13-year-old son. I’ve been in nonprofit management for over 20 years and you are one of the most powerful speakers I’ve seen…You have developed something truly impactful. This is powerful!”
“We have just finished watching the replay of the 1st session. I am SO SO grateful for the down to earth, Godly, practical and thoughtful advice that it contained. Both my boys were VERY reluctant to watch it but I know they have gotten a lot of food for thought. My eldest (15) said ‘It was better than I was expecting’ and is happy to watch the other sessions.”
OMG! The session is so good! My husband and son are watching the replay!
The dialogue between them is amazing! Excellent presentation, Sis!”
And the good news is this…
It’s not too late to register!
Even if you don’t have a teen son, grandson or nephew, by all means share this opportunity with any parent of a teen guy you know.
We still have three more sessions to go.
And this Tuesday, Dec. 1st, I will be joined by my good friend and former colleague Michael Calloway for Session 2 where we’ll discuss “Redefining Manhood.”
Michael and I taught together for five years, so believe me when I tell you: Michael is a POWERFUL speaker and you do NOT want the teen guy in your life to miss this!
Click the button below to enroll him TODAY!
I hope to see him in class on Tuesday. 😉
P.S. Session 1 of my Boys to Men Masterclass was so good, what was supposed to have been an hour-long class turned into almost two! That’s how important this message is for teen guys who are constantly bombarded with counter messages by peers, the media, and even some adult men who tell them their “manhood” is measured by their sexual conquests. But you and I both know better. And it’s time teen guys learn better too! Go here to register your son, grandson, or nephew and let’s empower him to “Just Say YES!” to the destiny God has planned for his life.
P.P.S. And please share this post with any parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or mentor of a teen guy who can benefit from this message too. Thank you!