The Ripple Effect: 2015 Edition

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stones in a water



“I alone cannot change the world; but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” ~Mother Theresa


I hope your new year has gotten off to a great start! It's hard to believe the month of January is almost over and I’m just getting around to sharing my 2015 review, which may be an indication that 2016 is going to be just as busy as 2015 was.

Each year, as I assemble the data to share my review of the previous year, I’m always blown away when I look at the numbers.


Besides the numbers, below are some of my other accomplishments during 2015.

After successfully releasing my DVDs for teens in 2014, I released the third DVD in my Dreams, Decisions, Destinies DVD series in August 2015. This was a DVD for parents and the feedback from parents who have watched it has been encouraging. As a matter of fact, one parent totally blew me away with how she implemented some of the strategies with her son. I wrote a two-part blog post about her positive experiences with the DVD. If you haven’t read the posts, I would highly recommend that you read them here: Part 1 and Part 2.

In last year’s review post, I stated that I hoped to publish my book, The Seven Secrets Guys Will Never Tell You: A Teens Girl’s Guide to Love Sex and Relationships, in 2015. While that didn’t happen, the good news is I finally submitted the manuscript to the editor last week. So, 2016 will definitely be the year my words of wisdom will be in print, and I can’t wait for teen girls to get their hands on this book!

SEX: Why Wait?

I also have plans to publish a free e-book series during the first quarter of 2016 entitled, SEX: Why Wait? The series will provide guidance to teens on making one of the most important decisions of their lives! There will be four e-books consisting of 40 of the most common reasons real teens have shared with me why they waited or wished they had.

The e-book titles are:

10 of the BEST Reasons Teen Guys Abstain!

10 of the WORST Reasons Teen Guys Have Sex!

10 of the BEST Reasons Teen Girls Abstain!

10 of the WORST Reasons Teen Girls Have Sex!

My focus in the past has been on creating products to enable teens and parents who aren’t able to hear me speak in person, with the same information via video.

Going forward, my goal is to create products that will provide continued reinforcement and support for teens once they’ve heard my message, whether in person or via video. If you have ideas of ways I can provide reinforcement or support for teens in this area, I’d love for you to share your feedback below.

Also, stay tuned for future announcements about how I will be using an innovative technology to reach teens. I’m excited about it and can’t wait to share the details with you soon! 

Changing the world, one ripple at a time!

One of the most rewarding experiences I had this year was receiving the Instagram message below from a young lady who heard me speak a year earlier:

A year ago today, you came to my high school and gave the best speech I’ve ever heard in my life. You are so inspiring and I loved listening to you talk. I can still remember your speech today. I just want you to know that a year later, I am at the University of Georgia, majoring in health education in hopes of being able to inspire young people just like you. J I hope to be half the woman you are when I am in my career field. Thank you for helping me decide what I wanted to do with my life.     

This is exactly the ripple effect that I strive for.

What about you?  In what ways are you casting stones?  And what has been the ripple effect?

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